Resonance is a state-of-the-art transaction fee mechanism to efficiently match supply and demand, offering users optimally priced transaction execution.
Resonance is a general, two-sided fee market, matching sets of user transactions, , to sets of capable, executing nodes, . This is in contrast to fee mechanisms like EIP-1559 (Ethereum’s current default fee mechanism) that operate on the basis of assigning single transactions to execution by every node in a network.
User valuation
Transactions in Ethereum pay gas
for inclusion into a block.
After EIP-1559, gas
fees are split into two parameters: a baseFee
and a
. The baseFee
is a minimum inclusion fee that modulates based on
blockspace demand and is burnt. The priorityFee
is a user-specified tip to
block proposers to prioritize inclusion of their transaction relative to others.
Resonance operates in a surplus-maximizing setting. Rather than transactions
specifying baseFee
or priorityFee
, users instead assign a valuation
their transactions, which represents the maximum amount of money a user
submitting a transaction is willing to pay for its execution.
Surplus maximization is the process of achieving the highest total surplus in a market, achieved by setting the right price and quantity for a product. By operating in a surplus-maximizing setting, Resonance ensures that its allocations are the most economically efficient; no matching besides the winning one will lead to better prices for users or more earnings for nodes.
Unlike priorityFee
in EIP-1559, a valuation
in Resonance must stay private
to the network until a successful transaction ↔︎ node match is found. For this
reason, valuation
is encrypted to the Auctioneer (described below).
Node cost function
In Ethereum today, all nodes execute each and every transaction in a block. In
return for their service, validators actively benefit from sum(priorityFee)
included transactions and an inflationary block reward (currently, 2 ETH) when
they are the elected block proposer, and passively from ETH supply reduction via
the baseFee
Irrespective of whether a node is specialized to execute certain types of compute, it is rewarded congruently to any other, and forced to execute all transactions.
In Ritual, via Resonance and Symphony, we enable selective execution and node specialization, reducing redundant re-execution and enabling nodes to make explicit their unique execution costs.
Akin to users specifying a true valuation
for their transactions, each node
also specifies a cost function
which dictates their true cost to executing a
set of transactions.
Formally, this can be defined as each node, ( is an element in the
set of nodes, ), specifies a cost function
, denoting the amount of money the node,
, must be paid to execute a bundle of transactions, , where
( is a subset of all valid transactions, ).
A node cost function
must stay private to the network at the risk of
exposing true execution costs, and hence node margins, to informed
participants. It is also encrypted to the Auctioneer (described below).
Resonance introduces a new set of entities known as brokers. Brokers are sophisticated and profit-seeking agents that compute efficient allocations assigning transactions to set of nodes.
Think of brokers as a parallel to searchers or block builders in the MEV
ecosystem: advanced participants that use their informed priors to efficiently
match transactions, pocketing the spread between transaction valuation
node execution cost
in the process.
Unlike in the Ethereum block building process, Resonance provides strong guarantees on the equilibrium behavior of brokers at pure Nash equilibrium.
Brokers primarily interface with the Auctioneer (described below). For each Auctioneer batch:
- Brokers collect the set of transactions, , that need to be matched via Auctioneer API
- Execute their internal logic to produce a valid
, - Submit their best
, , to the Auctioneer via API
A routing, , where ( is a single broker in the set of all brokers, ), is made up of a valid allocation ( is an allocation in the set of all valid allocations, ) and payment rules (how much a user should pay for execution of a transaction, ) and (how much a node should be paid to execute a transaction, ).
You can learn more about brokers via our canonical, open-source implementation, Echo (coming soon…).
At the center of Resonance lies the Auctioneer, a new entity responsible for orchestrating brokers and executing the Resonance mechanism.
The Auctioneer has two components: an on-chain smart contract and an off-chain service:
On-chain smart contract
The Auctioneer smart contract, Auctioneer.sol
, has four core functions:
- Exposing the auctioneer
to which users and nodes encrypt data - Managing node registration and periodic
cost function
updates - Enshrining match transactions from the off-chain service into chain state
- Handling post-execution payments and disputes between users, nodes, and brokers
Off-chain service
The off-chain Auctioneer service has six core functions:
- Receiving an inbound stream of pending transactions, , from various nodes
- Reading the on-chain node registration and
cost function
updates - Periodically initiating a new Auctioneer batch, exposing a set of to-match transactions,
- Receiving and validating broker
, , submissions, per batch - Executing the Resonance mechanism to select the surplus-maximizing routing,
- Enshrining the best routing, , via match transaction to the on-chain smart contract
Desired properties
An Auctioneer must adhere to certain desired properties:
- Auctioneers must execute the Resonance mechanism correctly
- Auctioneers must not censor any broker
, , submissions - Auctioneers must not censor any query
or nodecost function
submissions - Auctioneers must not leak decrypted transaction
, decrypted nodecost function
, or brokerrouting
submissions publicly
Keen observers will notice that part of the mechanism design detailed above,
while purposefully inefficient from the standpoint of E2E transaction latency,
ensures that these properties are upheld. For example, by handling node
registration and cost function
updates on-chain, we explicitly introduce a
one block best-case E2E delay (of four total induced), but in doing so, ensure
that node registration and cost function
updates benefit from the same
censorship-resistant guarantees of any other blockchain transaction.
For private testnet, Ritual operates a single, centralized Auctioneer that users, nodes, and brokers must trust to correctly execute and not censor. For public testnet and mainnet, we introduce a multi-Auctioneer design (not dissimilar to how the MEV-Boost sidecar operates today) that (1) enables anyone to run an Auctioneer, and (2) produce succinct proofs of valid Auctioneer execution and not censoring.
Today, the Auctioneer operates in a batch setting, with batches currently executed once-per-block. For public testnet and mainnet, we are working on dynamic, streaming implementations.
Account Abstraction
EIP-1559 is enforced as the default Ethereum fee mechanism and enshrined directly into the execution client codebase.
In contrast, Resonance is an opt-in upgrade for users that demand heterogeneous compute or those willing to trade increased transaction inclusion latency for potentially cheaper execution.
As a result of this optionality, Resonance transactions are implemented at a smart-contract layer rather than through the introduction of a custom transaction type (akin to Type-2 transactions which were introduced when Ethereum added EIP-1559 support).
This optionality presents a few problems:
- Without the addition of a new transaction type, we can’t introduce encrypted
as a transaction parameter - Because
must remain private except to the Auctioneer, only the Auctioneer can validate and deduct balances for transaction execution - Without using the transaction
parameter (publicly enforced), nodes cannot deduct any ETH balances at all - Transactions must remain in-executable until after their match is enshrined
- But, once a match is enshrined, transactions must reflect a payment to matched nodes
- We must co-opt existing Ethereum wallet provider APIs for seamless integration with popular wallets
- We must enable 1-6 without forcing all developers to introduce modifications in their own smart contracts
We found our solution to these problems via account abstraction:
- Resonance users upgrade their wallets by setting their implementation to
permissions the on-chainAuctioneer.sol
contract to manage EOA ETH balances through an auctioneer-permissionedwithdraw()
entrypoint conforms to similar parameters as a regular transaction- Yet, the new, smart implementation reverts until an Auctioneer sets a match (and thus, executing node) for the transaction
In this way, users can continue to use regular EIP-1559 transactions and Resonance, in parallel, with the same wallets and tooling they are familiar with.
Transaction lifecycle
Resonance is an opt-in upgrade that allows users to choose the fee mechanism they want to use, for each transaction they send. To that extent, Resonance was designed to be a simple drop-in addition to the transaction lifecycle users are already familiar with:
Standard EIP-1559 lifecycle
A simplified smart contract transaction lifecycle, without Resonance, looks like:
- Ethereum users authenticate with decentralized applications (dApps) via wallets
- dApps prepare transaction payloads that execute on-chain smart contracts
- dApps prompt wallets to send transaction payloads via the wallet provider API
- Wallets interface with execution clients via their JSON-RPC API to estimate gas fees
- Users select appropriate fees, usually deferring to wallet and RPC recommendations
- Users sign fee-included transaction payloads with their wallet and broadcast via RPC
- Nodes receive transactions via RPC and append to their local transaction pools
- Then, nodes gossip transactions to other nodes in the network
- Block-building nodes collect transactions with sufficient fees and propose blocks
- Blocks are gossiped and validated amongst validators, progressing the chain
- As blocks are included, users see executed state as a result of their transaction
New Resonance lifecycle
A simplified smart contract transaction lifecycle, with Resonance, looks like:
Steps that change under Resonance are highlighted by
Enable Resonance
To begin using Resonance, users must upgrade their wallet implementation,
via account abstraction, to
the AuctioneerWallet.sol
reference implementation. This is an opt-in
upgrade, and can be reversed by users at any time.
For most users, this step will be abstracted by their wallets or the decentralized applications (dApps) they interface with.
For power users, enabling Resonance is as simple as sending a SetCodeTx
transaction. Example via Foundry’s Cast:
Once upgraded, users can send both regular EIP-1559 and upgraded Resonance transactions with no additional interaction.
Authenticate with dApps
Users select valuation
Rather than steps 4 & 5 where users collect estimated gas fees and select an appropriate priorityFee
, with Resonance, users simply input their valuation
Users sign transaction payloads
Nodes receive transactions via RPC
Nodes gossip transactions to other nodes
Auctioneer executes batch
When using Resonance, the Auctioneer is responsible for coordinating a match between transactions and executing nodes, via brokers.
Behind the scenes, each batch, the Auctioneer:
- Collects and decrypts node
cost function
submissions - Collects and publishes user transactions
- Decrypts user
submissions - Collects broker
submissions - Finalizes and publishes the surplus-maximizing
All of this happens transparently, yet abstracted, from a user.
Assigned nodes execute transaction
Once a routing
has been posted on-chain, nodes execute their assigned transaction payloads, gossiping outputs and optional proofs to the rest of the network.
Block-building nodes collect transactions and propose blocks
Blocks are gossiped and validated
Users see executed state
Put together, using Resonance is simple and fully opt-in with few changes to the patterns users are already familiar with.
Looking forward
We expect to extend Resonance in a few ways:
- Support natively pricing scheduled transactions
- Decentralize the Auctioneer, enabling anyone to run the mechanism
- Support a streaming setting rather than fixed duration Auctioneer batches to reduce E2E transaction inclusion latency
- Explore posted price mechanisms to reduce user difficulty in inferring
More information
For more information on Resonance, see our blog posts and academic paper:

Resonance: A Market Mechanism for Heterogeneous Computation
Resonance enables heterogeneous computation on-chain. This post builds towards a formal definition of the heterogeneous setting.

The Resonance Mechanism and its Properties
This post gives a formal description of the Resonance mechanism and the desiderata it satisfies.

arXiv: Resonance: Transaction Fees for Heterogeneous Computation
This paper introduces Resonance: a new kind of transaction fee mechanism for the general two-sided market setting (with users on one side and nodes on the other), where both sides of the market exhibit a high degree of heterogeneity.